Thursday, February 28, 2008


I've been searching through my old files, trying to find something, some work, that is still left incomplete, or at least something that would break through my writer's block. I came across this piece that I wrote before, while having a Writer's block similar to the one I suffer from these days. I wanted to share it with you.
"Thoughts are jumping in my head, the trampoline is set and I feel lost.
Thoughts are running with no place to go. I don’t want to work. Yet I do.
I want to write but nothing is transformed into paper. Sea of words and sentences swirling in my head. But I am too lazy to actually pick up the pen or computer to write them.
This is it. I am lazy. I know my problem, but I don’t know the solution.
I need help because my mind is turning against me, and I can't control it.
I need help but there is no one there reaching for me.
I'm drowning in a sea of confusing thoughts. And none of them is reaching a shore. Neither I am.
I need help. Yet I am still too lazy to ask for it. Too lazy to go to someone. And people around me can’t reach me.
HA!. I want them to come to ME to help ME. Who would do that? It is simply stupid enough.
No one now is welling to help some one for simply the sake of helping. You need to ask for it first. And half of us are either too proud, Or simply lazy to ask.
We need help, but who is there to help us.
We need help, but each one of us is stuck in their problem, they can't even glance at anyone. They can't see anyone but themselves.
We need help but everyone is too lazy to help the other.
I'm even too lazy to go on with this piece. Let's go watch some TV, or surf online. As if they hold the answers to our entire problems.
They sure are helping us. But they are no problem solvers. Especially to the REAL problems we are facing.
On a second thought, our problems are not laziness or indifference now, we are beyond that.
Our problem is US. And we need help from ourselves.
But who is there to help."

I don't know why I felt this urge to share this with you. However, I hope that this piece would be able to help you break YOUR writer's block one day.
Take Care.
S.H. Zein.
P.S. As usual, if you have problems with my mistakes and style, Constructive criticism is always great. Thanks.

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